07377 418779 [email protected]

Covid-19 Safety Satatement

As we will be living with the Covid-19 pandemic for some time we all need to stay safe, however it is important to continue to look after the welfare of our equids. Following the announcement of some easing of the lockdown restrictions by the UK Prime Minister on Sunday 10th May, and subsequent government guidance published on 11th May, the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) has reviewed its guidance to veterinary surgeons.

  • Every visit / procedure should be risk assessed
  • Where the risks (to physical safety and/or disease transmission) can be sufficiently mitigated, the visit/procedure can go ahead provided that the mitigations are applied
  • Where the risks (to physical safety and/or disease transmission) cannot be sufficiently mitigated, the visit/procedure should not go ahead, and alternative plans made 
  • “Sufficient mitigation” is a matter for the practice and individual vets to define according to their own professional judgement
  • No member of the veterinary team or client should be pressured to undertake a visit/procedure that they do not personally believe is safe.

In practice this means we need to attempt to maintain social distancing of 2m at all times. For this reason, all patients of Sanderson Equine Dentistry will be sedated to reduce the need for handlers and risk of being unable to maintain the 2m distancing. To administer the sedation a risk assessment will be carried out to formulate the safest method of doing so. Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn at all times this may include a face mask if deemed necessary.

Please could all clients respect the 2m social distancing and have their own PPE available to be worn if required. If anyone at the property exhibits signs of COVID-19 prior to the visit, is self-isolating or is considered vulnerable to COVID-19 then you must inform me in good time.

These are challenging times for us all, but with your help to ensure together we have the correct social distancing and biosecurity measures in place, your appointment should be able to proceed in the safest possible manner.